
samedi 16 juillet 2016

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vows Turkey coup plotters will pay 'heavy price'

More than 2,700 judges dismissed across country

The Associated Press Posted: Jul 16, 2016 11:39 AM ET Last Updated: Jul 16, 2016 11:39 AM ET
  • People shout at the soldiers involved in the coup attempt who surrendered on the Bosporus Bridge in Istanbul on Saturday. Friday night and Saturday morning saw mass confusion as a faction of the military launched an attempt to take control of the country.
  • People shout at the soldiers involved in the coup attempt who surrendered on the Bosporus Bridge in Istanbul on Saturday. Friday night and Saturday morning saw mass confusion as a faction of the military launched an attempt to take control of the country. (Gokhan Tan/Getty Images)
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Forces loyal to Turkey's president quashed a coup attempt in a night of explosions, air battles and gunfire that left at least 161 people dead and 1,440 wounded Saturday. Authorities arrested thousands as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed that those responsible "will pay a heavy price for their treason."
The chaos came amid a period of political turmoil in Turkey — a NATO member and key Western ally in the fight against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) — that critics blame on Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian rule. Staying in power by switching from being prime minister to president, Erdogan has shaken up the government, cracked down on dissidents, restricted the news media and renewed fighting with Kurdish rebels.
The government has also come under pressure from the millions of refugees in Turkey who have fled violence in neighbouring Syria and Iraq, and a series of bloody attacks in Turkey blamed on ISIS and Kurdish rebels.
Erdogan was on a seaside vacation when tanks rolled into the streets of Ankara and Istanbul Friday. He flew home early Saturday and declared the coup to have failed.
"They have pointed the people's guns against the people. The president, whom 52 per cent of the people brought to power, is in charge. This government brought to power by the people is in charge," Erdogan told large crowds after landing at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport.
People wave Turkish flags as they celebrate in Istanbul on Saturday, following the coup attempt. (Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters)
The uprising appears not to have been backed by the most senior ranks of the military and Turkey's main opposition parties quickly condemned the attempted overthrow of the government. Gen. Umit Dundar said the plotters were mainly officers from the air force, the military police and the armoured units.
Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said 161 people were killed and 1,440 wounded in the violence, and 2,839 plotters were detained. A source at the office of the presidency, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with government rules, said the toll of 161 "excludes assailants" — which could mean the death toll is much higher.
Yildirim described the night as "a black mark on Turkish democracy" and said the perpetrators "will receive every punishment they deserve."
Turkey's NATO allies lined up to condemn the coup. U.S. President Barack Obama urged all sides to support Turkey's democratically elected government. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said he spoke to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and called for the Turkish people to respect democracy.
There have long been tensions between the military — which saw itself as the protector of the secular Turkish state — and Erdogan's Islamic-influenced AKP party.
Government officials blamed the coup attempt on a U.S.-based moderate Islamic cleric, Fethullah Gulen. Erdogan has often accused the cleric and his supporters of attempting to overthrow the government. Gulen lives in exile in Pennsylvania and promotes a philosophy that blends a mystical form of Islam with staunch advocacy of democracy, education, science and interfaith dialogue.
Workers clean up around the damage and debris at the Turkish parliament which was attacked at least three times through the night during the military coup attempt in Ankara, Turkey. (Erhan Ortac/Getty Images)
Gulen, however, said he condemned "in the strongest terms, the attempted military coup in Turkey" and sharply rejected any responsibility for the attempted coup.
"Government should be won through a process of free and fair elections, not force," he said. "I pray to God for Turkey, for Turkish citizens, and for all those currently in Turkey that this situation is resolved peacefully and quickly."
"As someone who suffered under multiple military coups during the past five decades, it is especially insulting to be accused of having any link to such an attempt. I categorically deny such accusations," he added.

Judiciary purged

Still, the government pressed ahead Saturday with a purge of judicial officials, with 2,745 judges being dismissed across Turkey for alleged ties to Gulen. Ten members of Turkey's highest administrative court were detained and arrest warrants were issued for 48 administrative court members and 140 members of Turkey's appeals court, state media reported.
The coup attempt began late Friday, with a military statement saying forces had seized control "to reinstall the constitutional order, democracy, human rights and freedoms, to ensure that the rule of law once again reigns in the country, for law and order to be reinstated."
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan sits inside a car with family members at Istanbul airport on Saturday. (Huseyin Aldemir/Reuters)
Fighter jets buzzed overhead, gunfire erupted outside military headquarters and vehicles blocked two major bridges in Istanbul. Soldiers backed by tanks blocked entry to Istanbul's airport for a couple of hours before being overtaken by pro-government crowds carrying Turkish flags, according to footage broadcast by the Dogan news agency.
The military did not appear unified, as top commanders went on television to condemn the action and order troops back to their barracks.
Erdogan, appearing on television over a mobile phone, had urged supporters into the streets to defend his government, and large crowds heeded his call. People faced off against troops who had blocked key bridges over the Bosporus that link the Asian and European sides of Istanbul.
By early Saturday, the putsch appeared to have fizzled, as police, soldiers and civilians loyal to the government confronted coup plotters.
In images broadcast on CNN-Turk, dozens of soldiers walked among tanks with their hands held up, surrendering to government forces. Discarded gear was strewn on the ground. Some flag-waving people climbed onto the tanks.
NTV television showed a Turkish colonel and other soldiers on their knees being searched and taken into custody at military headquarters. The Hurriyet newspaper, quoting investigators, said some privates told them they were not even aware they were part of a coup attempt but thought they were on military manoeuvres.
Colonels and generals implicated in the rebellion were fired and loyal troops rescued the military chief who had been taken hostage at an air base on the outskirts of Ankara, the capital.
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'It is the most terrifying experience I've ever had in my life': Canadian in Turkey2:49
A Blackhawk military helicopter with seven Turkish military personnel and one civilian landed in the Greek city of Alexandroupolis, where the passengers requested asylum, according to Greece's defence ministry. While Turkey demanded their extradition, Greece said it would hand back the helicopter and consider the men's asylum requests.
Fighting continued into the early morning, with the sounds of huge blasts echoing across Istanbul and Ankara, including at least one bomb that hit the parliament complex. Television footage showed broken glass and other debris strewn across a lobby leading to the assembly hall.
CNN-Turk said two bombs hit near the presidential palace, killing five people and wounding a number of others.
Turkey is a key partner in U.S.-led efforts to defeat ISIS, and has allowed American jets to use its Incirlik air base to fly missions against the extremists in nearby Syria and Iraq. A coup against the democratically elected government could have made it difficult for the United States to continue to co-operate with Turkey.
Turkey Military Coup
Tanks moved into position as Turkish people attempt to stop them, in Ankara, Turkey, during the attempted coup early Saturday. (AP)
Erdogan's Islamist government has also been accused of playing an ambiguous — even double-sided — role in Syria. Turkey's renewed offensive against Kurdish militants — who seek more autonomy and are implacable foes of ISIS — has complicated the U.S.-led fight against the Islamic State group.
Fadi Hakura, a Turkey expert at the Chatham House think-tank in London, said it was not clear who was behind the attempted coup, but it appeared to have been "carried out by lower-ranking officers — at the level of colonel."
"Their main gripe seems to have been President Erdogan's attempt to transform his office into a powerful and centralized executive presidency," Hakura said. "I think in the short term this failed coup plot will strengthen President Erdogan, particularly in his drive to turn his office into a strong and centralized executive presidency."
Turkey's military staged three coups between 1960 and 1980 and pressured former prime minister Necmettin Erbakan, a pious Muslim mentor of Erdogan, out of power in 1997.

Nice truck attack claimed by ISIS as police arrest 3

Nice truck attack claimed by ISIS as police arrest 3

Arrests concern attacker's 'close entourage'; bring total arrests to 5

Thomson Reuters Posted: Jul 16, 2016 5:31 AM ET Last Updated: Jul 16, 2016 8:53 AM ET
France began three days of mourning on Saturday after the driver of a heavy truck ran into a crowd on Bastille Day in Nice. Five people have been arrested in connection with the attack, and ISIS has claimed responsibility.
France began three days of mourning on Saturday after the driver of a heavy truck ran into a crowd on Bastille Day in Nice. Five people have been arrested in connection with the attack, and ISIS has claimed responsibility. (Pascal Rossignol/Reuters)
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria claimed responsibility for the truck attack on the French city of Nice on Saturday as French police arrested three people there in connection with the carnage that claimed the lives of at least 84 people.
"The person who carried out the operation in Nice, France, to run down people was one of the soldiers of Islamic State," the news agency Amaq, which supports ISIS, said via its Telegram account.
"He carried out the operation in response to calls to target nationals of states that are part of the coalition fighting Islamic State," the statement said.
French authorities said they were checking the claim.
The 31-year old Tunisian driver of the truck drove at a Bastille Day crowd on the waterfront of the French Riveria city on Thursday night.
Authorities had been working to find out whether his motives were indeed connected to radical Islam. He was not known to French intelligence sources for radicalization.
EUROPE ATTACKS NICE truck attack tribute victims Bastille Day
People gathered near flowers and candles left in tribute to victims after Thursday's deadly truck attack in Nice, France, which left at least 84 dead.
The arrests, which came on top of two on Friday including the attacker's wife, concerned the attacker's "close entourage", the sources said.
They were made in two different areas of Nice. A Reuters reporter saw about 40 elite police raid a small apartment near the central station, where one individual was arrested.
Thursday night's attack plunged France into new grief and fear just eight months after gunmen killed 130 people in Paris.
France began three days of national mourning on Saturday. 

3rd large attack in less than 2 years

The truck zigzagged along the city's seafront Promenade des Anglais as a fireworks display marking the French national day ended.
It careened into families and friends listening to an orchestra or strolling above the Mediterranean beach towards the century-old grand Hotel Negresco.
The attack is the third of its kind in France since the beginning of 2015, and a state of emergency in place since 130 people were killed in and around Paris last November is to be extended for another three months.
The truck used in the attack is towed away by a breakdown lorry in the French Riviera city of Nice.
The driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, was shot dead by officers at the scene. He was known to police for petty crimes but was not on a watch list of suspected militants. He had one criminal conviction for road rage, having been sentenced to probation three months ago for throwing a wooden pallet at another driver.
Ahead of the claim by ISIS, the militant Islamist group which grabbed control of swaths of Iraq and Syria but which is now under military pressure from forces opposed to it, French officials had not disclosed any direct evidence linking Bouhlel with the jihadism.
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, asked on Friday if he could confirm the attacker's motives were linked to jihadism, said: "No. ... We have an individual who was not known to intelligence services."
Relatives and neighbours in Bouhlel's home town of Msaken outside the coast city of Sousse said he was sporty and had shown no sign of being radicalized, including when he last returned for a wedding four years ago.
His sister, Rabeb Bouhlel, told Reuters he had been seeing psychologists for a long time before he left Tunisia for France in 2005.
"My brother had psychological problems and we have given the police documents showing that he had been seeing psychologists for several years," she said. 

Turkey threatens WAR with America over cleric blamed for masterminding failed coup

Turkey threatens WAR with America over cleric blamed for masterminding failed coup

TURKEY today set itself on a war path with America as tyrant Recep Erdogan attempts to reassert his iron grip on the country following a failed military coup.

In an astonishing and reckless attack on the US the Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that the country considers itself at war with any nation that stands by the US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen. 
He said: "Any country that protects Fethullah Gulen will be an enemy to Turkey."
Moderate cleric Gulen, who lives in Pennsylvania, has been a constant scapegoat for Erdogan who has accused him of trying to establish a “parallel state” to rival his own fiefdom. 
The statement by Mr Yildirim will be seen as a thinly veiled threat to America to give up Gulen, who lives in self-imposed exile at a religious retreat, or face diplomatic or even military consequences. 
Gulen, the founder of an Islamic movement which carries his name, promotes a brand of the religion which promotes belief in science, interfaith dialogue and multi-party democracy. 
US Secretary of State John Kerry confirmed to reporters today that America has not yet received a request from Turkey to extradite the religious leader.
Turkey PM Binali YildirimREUTERS
Turkey PM Binali Yildirim said any country supporting the cleric was now at war with Turkey
Troops in IstanbulREUTERS
A section of the Turkish military attempted a coup to oust Erdogan last night
However, there are reports today that Turkish authorities have shut off access and power to an air base used by US jets bombing Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria as tensions escalate. 
The US embassy released a statement saying: "Be advised that local authorities are denying movements on to and off of Incirlik Air Base. The power there has also been cut. Please avoid the air base until normal operations have been restored."
Gulen is a long-time opponent of tinpot leader Erdogan, who has accused him and his movement of fuelling insurrection and trying to establish its own institutions to overthrow the Government. 
He has issued a statement denying any involvement in the coup and condemning the attempt to overthrow Erdogan, who he was once close friends with. 
In it he said: "I condemn in the strongest terms the attempted military coup in Turkey. Government should be won through a process of free and fair elections, not force. 
“As someone who suffered under multiple military coups during the past five decades, it is especially insulting to be accused of having any link to such an attempt. I categorically deny such accusations.” 
Recep Erdogan, left, and Fethullah Gulen, rightGetty
Turkey has threatened war with America over its support for Fethullah Gulen, centre
He now lives at the Golden Generation Worship and Retreat Center, a compound in Saylorsburg, in the Poconos in Pennsylvania.
The Turkish chief prosecutor has claimed that followers of the cleric within the country’s army launched the coup out of desperation after realising that their sympathies were about to be discovered. 
In a statement read out on TV during the coup attempt the leaders of the coup, whose identities are not yet known, said they wanted to return Turkey to being a secular democracy, adding that Erdogan had eroded the constitution set down by its first president Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. 
Today US Secretary of State John Kerry said that America has not yet received a request to extradite Gulen. 
Speaking to reporters in Luxembourg, he said it was his understanding that order had now “been restored” in Turkey and added that he hoped “constitutional process” would be followed in dealing with the plotters. 
Mr Kerry also issued a statement of support for President Erdogan, saying that the US “stands squarely for democratic leadership in Turkey”.