
samedi 16 juillet 2016

Maud Doria Haviland

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maud Doria Haviland (10 February 1889 – 3 April 1941) was an English ornithologist. She was born in TamworthWarwickshire, married Harold Hulme Brindley, a fellow of St John's College, Cambridge, and died in Cambridge.
Haviland is the author of A Summer on the Yenesei,[1] where she narrates the experiences of an expedition on a trip down the Yenisei River in Siberia to the Kara Sea in 1914. The book was inspired the route traversed by Henry Seebohm (1832–1895) in 1877 as described in his Siberia in Asia,[2] and by H.L. Popham (1864–1943) in Notes of birds observed on the Yenesei River, Siberia, in 1895.[3]
During this journey, on which she was accompanied by Polish anthropologist Maria Antonina Czaplicka (1886–1921), painter Dora Curtis and Henry Usher Hall of the Philadelphia University Museum (1876–1944), she wrote her impressions about nature and the birds,.
The more complete existing bibliographical references were published by T.S. Palmer (Treasurer of the American Ornithologists' Union) in 1943.[4] She was an active member of this association from 1920.

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