
samedi 16 juillet 2016

Turkish military coup fails and hundreds are arrested as Erdogan vows revenge
President Erdogan (top left) has vowed revenge on those who tried to oust him in a bloody military coup (pictured) that killed 60 people - 17 of them police officers - as his supporters clashed with the rebel forces in the streets of Turkey. The Turkish president warned that the members of the military behind the attack would pay a 'heavy price for their treason' as he blamed his rival Fethullah Gulen for orchestrating the uprising. Muslim cleric Gulen, who lives in self-imposed exile in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania as the head of a billion dollar religious movement, has often been the scapegoat for political unrest. As President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made his triumphant return back to Istanbul after his forces quelled the coup on Friday evening, he told the gathered masses as Ataturk Airport that those loyal to Gulen had 'penetrated the Armed Forces and the police, among other government agencies, over the past 40 years.' Elsewhere troops opened fire on civilians attempting to cross the river Bosporus in Istanbul in protest to the military coup, while a bomb hit the parliament building according to President Erdogan has vowed revenge on those who tried to oust him in a bloody military coup that killed 42 people as his supporters clashed with the rebel forces in the streets of Turkey.

Turkey on brink of civil war as defiant civilians face military tanks
Defiant Turkish civilians were captured climbing on to tanks and yanking soldiers (left and right) from their vehicles during the failed coup attempt by the nation's armed forces in Ankara. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appealed to the people of Turkey to go out onto the streets and face down the military and called on them to show the power of the people.

British tourists in Turkey have been ordered to stay away from public places after the coup in the country. The moves come amid reports all flights out of Istanbul's Ataturk airport have been suspended.

As military tanks patrol the streets and jets flew over Ankara another chapter in the bloody history of civil war is opened in Turkey, as the nation endures its fourth coup in sixty years.

According to Turkey Blocks, a Twitter account which monitors internet shutdowns in the country, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube were all unresponsive at 11.04pm local time.

Bataclan victims were castrated by the ISIS killers and had their eyes gouged out
A government committee has heard that policemen on the scene of the attacks last November vomited after witnessing victims of horrendous torture lying dead on the second floor of the Paris nightclub. But prosecutors at the inquiry into the Bataclan deaths have cast doubt over the claims after revealing that no sharp knives were found at the scene. The inquiry heard that the alleged torture was the reason that some bodies of those who died were not released to their family.

Spain-based LowCostHolidays currently has 27,000 customers overseas on holidays, and a further 110,000 who have booked trips and were hoping to go abroad in the next few weeks.

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Families had travelled to Nice to celebrate Bastille Day in France. Amid the hubbub few noticed a white lorry entering the pedestrianised zone.

Britain's new Prime Minister Theresa May leaves Bute House, in Edinburgh, on July 15, 2016 after a visit to hold talks with Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. 
Theresa May visited Scotland for talks with the First Minister less than 48 hours after taking office as British prime minister. 
 / AFP PHOTO/AFP/Getty Images
Downing Street said the precautions are 'to ensure the appropriate security is in place' as Theresa May (pictured today) vowed to increase efforts to defeat 'brutal' terrorists.

By 2025, English schools will have faced 16 consecutive years of rising pupil numbers with many having to expand buildings or squeeze more children into classrooms.

The government has released the redacted 28 pages of the 9/11 report which could show a connection between the Al Qaeda hijackers who carried out the attack and the Saudi government.

Millions of calls to the 101 police service are not being picked up, raising fears that crimes are not being reported as victims and witnesses get fed up with waiting on the line.

KATIE HOPKINS: Mohamed took a truck and drove it into men, women and children celebrating Bastille day in Nice. He killed 84. But the most sickening thing of all is our sanitised response.

This is the run-down flat of truck terrorist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31, left in disarray as the father-of-three set out to launch a devastating attack during Bastille Day celebrations that killed at least 84.

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An article on July 13 said that businessman Alisher Usmanov is the owner of Arsenal Football Club and made his fortune from oil.

Friends and family members have shared photos of loved ones who may have been caught up in the terror attack in Nice on Thursday, in a desperate bid to locate them.

Nice massacre's poignant image of three abandoned prams after ten children die
WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: At least ten children died when an Islamist maniac drove a truck into crowds of Bastille Day revellers. These buggies are chilling testament to the massacre in Nice, France. Families fled for their lives as the driver - Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel - mowed down everything in his path. Teddies, toys and children's flip-flops were strewn across the famous Promenade des Anglais. One young girl lay dead alongside her pink doll, one of 84 people confirmed killed in Thursday's outrage. More than 200 were badly injured.

The French security services faced questions about whether the police and security services should have identified Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel as a potential terrorist.

These are the dramatic scenes moments after police in Nice stopped a killer truck driven by Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel who had just murdered 84 people and injuring 50.

Yarra Valley woman Carlie Maree writes powerful letter to her husband's mistress
A woman who discovered her husband had been cheating has penned a letter to the other woman. Carlie Maree (left and right), from the Yarra Valley, had a two-year-old daughter and was a predominantly stay-at-home mum when she discovered her husband's betrayal. Her now ex-husband worked away a lot, and met his mistress during a work trip in another town. 'She knew about me from day one, and had hoped that he would one day leave his family for her. I believe she was heartbroken when he didn't follow through with that,' Ms Maree told Daily Mail Australia. The other woman revealed the relationship by emailing Ms Maree at work with a message entitled 'Your husband.'

To try to combat the declines in the tea market, Tetley is launching a range called Super Everyday tea with added vitamins - and it will be on sale next month.

For well over 100 years, Cockadoodle the topiary has watched over this grade II-listed cottage in North Yorkshire thanks to successive owners who have passed down the topiary tradition.

JANE FRYER covers sexism, racism, ageism, good golfers, bad golfers, women golfers and how Peter Alliss talks to his dead father, with the legendary BBC voice of golf.

The chain has already removed plastic microbeads from its own beauty products, and has now promised it will only stock branded products which do not contain them from September.

They may look fresh on the supermarket shelf. But at least half the apples being sold in Britain's supermarkets including Asda and Tesco could be up to a year old, the Daily Mail can reveal.

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